
Are you ready to start Living and Wynning?

Live2Wynn is an athletic clothing line dedicated to living in the moment but growing for a better you! The goal is always to WIN!

Make an impression

Hi there! My name is Shanna, THE owner, CEO, creative director, CFO, all the above (Thank God)! I am a Virginia native and currently serve in the worlds greatest U. S. Navy! I am happily married with three beautiful children and family is my everything and my motivation.

I started this business because I wanted something different for myself and my family. Generational wealth is not common amongst people of color but I wanted to make it common in my family. I have always dreamed of living a life like the 5% and soon I will. I am in the military so naturally working out has become a hobby and “workout clothes” has been my go to for fashion. Health is more than just working out, it is about mind, body, and spirit. When you look good, you feel good. I believe in living and enjoying life but maximizing growth and winning every step of the way. 

As you choose the best outfit for your workout, lounge day, relaxing day, run to the store, or simply just want to look good, remember, LIVE 2 WYNN! 

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